Saturday, 10 May 2008

10 Commandments for Peace of Mind

**. Thou shalt not worry -- most of the things we worry about never happen.

**. Thou shalt not try to cross bridges before coming to them -- it simply can't be done.

**. Thou shalt face each problem as it comes -- you can only handle one at a time anyway.

**. Thou shalt not take problems to bed with thee -- they make very poor bedfellows.

**. Thou shalt not try to relive yesterday -- just live today.

**. Thou shalt not carry a grudge -- it is a worthless thing, and a terribly heavy load.

**. Thou shalt not hate -- nothing is more damaging to the heart.

**. Thou shalt look for goodness -- beauty and truth are all around.

**. Thou shalt listen for wisdom -- almost everyone has a valuable lesson to teach.

**. Thou shalt count thy blessings -- the more we treasure them, the faster they multiply!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The 10 points are indeed great and if followed by each one of us, the world would be such a netter place...

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